The search bar on our website is very useful and many customers can find exactly what they need by using it. Better still it will start to suggest products as you type.

How to Search Our Site

To start searching our site use the search bar above. Simply click into it and start typing the name or type of product that you’re looking for.

For example if you are looking for Duplicate Boards simply start typing in duplicate and after the first 3 or so letters, our site will start to auto-suggest some relevant products for you.

Tips for Searching

If you’ve searched our site and NOT been able to find what you’re looking for, then don’t panic! There are couple tips you might want to note.

Don’t Search a Question OR Statement

When searching our site, the main thing to avoid is phrasing your search as a question or statement. An example of this kind of search would be: I am looking for bridge score cards.

At the time of writing, the search engine we use isn’t advanced enough to recognise searches presented as questions or statements.

Instead of asking a question or using a statement, just type in the product you’re looking for – bridge score cards – and our search will be more likely to find what you want.

Keep it Simple

Try to keep your search as simple as possible. Between one and five words works best. We periodically update a manual list, where we can relate more complex search terms back to intended products but, this isn’t foolproof.