While Away a Wonderful Weekend With Whist Part 2

So, from my previous post you know how to play a very simple round of the card game Whist. Now we’re going to spice up the game a notch by introducing TRUMPS and winning whist tips. In a nutshell, if a suit is made into a trump suit, all the cards in that suit rank more highly than any other card in the other three suits. In the trump suit, the Ace is the highest ranking card, and 2 is the lowest. Here’s how it works in play: (more…)

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Funny Poems About Bridge

Always the comedian, during a recent game of cards Simon cracked a joke about the hand he’d been dealt that made us all laugh. So, feeling inspired to write some poems about bridge, I put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard to be more accurate) and put his witticism into a little limerick for you to enjoy!

Here goes… (more…)

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Kate Knight: Why New York is Special to Me

Kate features New York in her wonderful design work. We asked her why.

I have been fortunate enough to go to New York, year after year, to exhibit my artwork at a show called Surtex. This is a trade show for artists and designers who license their artwork to publishers and manufactures from around the world. Once the exhibition has finished I always take a few days holiday in the city. Central Park is one of my favourite places to visit. The inspiration for Perfect Day came from (more…)

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Bridge Bidding Strategies: What Uses are Aces and Spades?

The SEHAWK Bidding System by Mr SEHAWK™

The last card landed on the top of my partner’s other twelve and I picked up a collection reminiscent of so many hands before:

♠ AT764 A872 ♦ T54 ♣ 2

Using the wonderful (but high risk) SEHAWK bidding system my partner sitting North opened 1♦ (showing 13 to 15 SEHAWK™ points). A rather puzzled look on the face of East was followed by a pass from him. My hand was worth 14 SEHAWK™ points and so I made a game invitational bid of 2♣ (I like bidding singletons almost as much as bidding voids!). An even more puzzled look from West was followed by his hesitant pass. (more…)

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